For 4 people, you need:

  • 4 small cups of coffee
  • 2 small cups of Valdostana grappa
  • 8 teaspoons of sugar
  • lemon rind
  • orange rind.

Pour the watered down, boiling hot coffee, best prepared by direct infusion rather than expresso, into a traditional Valdostana "Friendship cup"; add  the sugar and the orange and lemon rind. Sprinkle some sugar around  the rim of the cup, dip it into the grappa and pour the rest into the coffee. Set the liquid alight, flambé style, stirring with a spoon and leaving to burn until the sugar around the edge has caramelised.  Once the flame has been put out with the lid, guests will drink one after the other in anti-clockwise direction, through the different spouts on the cup (“à la ronde”).