For 4 people, you need:

  • A litre and a half of meat stock
  • 1 savoy cabbage
  • 400 g of fontina cheese
  • 500 g of bread cut into slices
  • cinnamon powder
  • 150g of butter.

Layer an oven dish with bread and fontina, with the last layer being fontina. Boil the savoy cabbage in meat stock. Pour the stock over the bread and wait until it all softens, then pour some very hot melted butter over the last layer. Sprinkle on some cinnamon; place in a pre-heated oven (200-220°) and leave  to cook for about 40 minutes, until the fontina is golden coloured and a crust is starting to form. Serve hot.

A recommended wine to accompany it would be Arnad Montjovet,  served at 18 C°.