Corned cow udder, combines well with sauces and jams

The teteun is an exclusive Aosta Valley specialty, obtained from the salting of native bovine udders prepared by alternating layers of teteun inside special containers with sage and bay leaves, rosemary, juniper berries, spices and salt. After about fifteen days of soaking, needed to produce the brine, the udders are cooked in a bain-marie using special moulds.

It is a Traditional Agri-Food Product (PAT) recognized by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.

Usually seasoned with a sauce of parsley, oil and garlic, this food combines well with fig and raspberry jam, sultanas or martin sec pears in syrup. Teteun can also be used as a filling for ravioli.

The teteun is a product which became renowned in the village of Gignod at the beginning of the '70s, but its historical roots go deep into the centuries. At present it is the main feature of the festival bearing the same name, which is held there every year in the second half of August.